27 Apr IO2 Piloting in the Czech Republic
The process of piloting of IO2 in the Czech republic started in September 2020 and ended in January 2021. The statutory city of Karvina established cooperation with a technical high school (Střední průmyslová škola Karviná) and its 2 teachers who had been implementing activities through the first half of the school year 2020/2021. Even though it was a difficult time for all of us because of the global pandemic and government closing schools, we successfully managed to implement the chosen activities in classes and some of them also in online schooling.
We were able to implement the following activities focusing on soft skills: Can I fill one minute?, Alphabet box, One’s Own Boss at Last!. We also managed to implement activities focusing on technical skills such as Shopping trolley opener, Collage and CNC chair. We received positive feedback from students and teachers as well. In general, we collect about 90 questionnaires from students (some of them did just one some of them more). Feedback, in general, was positive, the worst answer was even „neutral“ or „average“ none of the students evaluated any exercise negatively.
The feedback from teachers was very positive. Teachers found especially activities focused on soft skills very beneficial for their students because of the lack of practicing those skills in school classes. Teachers were happy that they could participate in Make your way project and had the opportunity to try at least some of the activities from the toolkit. They considered activities engaging and meaningful.