27 Apr IO2 Piloting in Poland
In September 2020 INnCREASE, in collaboration with a VET school in Kielce, organized the piloting of IO2 Toolkit of learning materials. Altogether over 20 learners were engaged in piloting activities that were oriented towards the development of entrepreneurial and creative skills.
Due to the pandemic, the piloting was held online and it was more focused on soft skills development rather than on technical skills. Together with VET learners we managed to implement the following activities: “Can I fill one minute?” and “One’s Own Boss at Last! Young”. VET learners were working on the business plans of invented enterprises – pet products and services or tutoring services are some examples of fields that the participants have dealt with.
Feedback from students was mostly positive – VET learners assessed positively the exercises, the vast majority would like to have such exercises during the classes. According to the teacher “the exercises turned out to be very interesting and stimulating for the participants. Young people were eager to implement them. They remind me of exercises characteristic of non-formal education methods”. What’s more, the teacher pointed out that the exercises increase the ability to communicate effectively with others; the ability to plan activities and their proper organization or the ability to recognize the needs and preferences of the client.