27 Apr IO2 Piloting in Portugal
In.Cubo/Fab.Lab Alto Minho established a cooperation with EPRAMI – a VET school located in Paredes de Coura – and its 2 teachers who, in cooperation with João Rodrigues from Fab.Lab Alto Minho, implemented the IO2 during two classes. Because of the global pandemic and government closing schools the partner managed to carry out the chosen activities through online platforms.
The following activities were implemented: 2.4.3 – Recreating a Koala and 2.4.4 – Preparing a Design to Laser Cut and Engrave. Before the exercises, a presentation of the project and the Fab.Lab was made. By the end of the pilot we collected questionnaires from the 15 students and the feedback was positive.
The feedback from teachers was also very positive. Teachers found the exercises and the method easy to implement and even to adapt to other thematics. Teachers were pleased to participate in the Make your way project and were considering adopting the methodology further in the school year. They considered the activities engaging and meaningful.