Sobre nós

MAKE YOUR WAY pretende desenvolver colaborações relevantes no âmbito da Educação e Formação Profissional, de forma a proporcionar mais oportunidades para os jovens aplicarem os seus conhecimentos em contexto de trabalho e em situações “hands-on”, tentando ao mesmo tempo melhorar competências empreendedoras, em particular através da utilização de LABs.


Últimas Notícias

  • In September 2020 INnCREASE, in collaboration with a VET school in Kielce, organized the piloting of IO2 Toolkit of learning materials. Altogether over 20 learners were engaged in piloting activities that were oriented towards the development of entrepreneurial and creative skills. Due to the pandemic,......

  • In.Cubo/Fab.Lab Alto Minho established a cooperation with EPRAMI – a VET school located in Paredes de Coura –  and its 2 teachers who, in cooperation with João Rodrigues from Fab.Lab Alto Minho, implemented the IO2 during two classes. Because of the global pandemic and government......

  • In November 2020, the Spanish partner carried out piloting sessions of the Make Your Way materials with the collaboration of CIFP Easo Politeknikoa college, CIFP Miguel Altuna college, and CIFP Meka college. The students and teachers enjoyed the completion of activities and gave positive feedback......

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